Sunday, May 5, 2013

Just Like Any Other Day

"Mmmh. Damn this smells good." Melanie said to herself.

Footsteps were heard coming down the stairs.

"Hey baby."

"Hey babe."

Kalvin gave his wife a kiss on her cheek before finishing up tying his tie. He made his way over to the coffee pot to fix him some coffee.

Melanie flipped the sizzling ends of the omelet and flipped it onto a small plate. She grabbed the two pieces of toasts out of the toaster and placed them beside the omelet.

Kalvin stirred his coffee for the last time before taking a seat at the dining table, awaiting his breakfast. Melanie made her way over to neatly place his food infront of him.

"Mmmmm. Thanks, bae."

She bent down and kissed him. "Mmhmm."

After, Melanie went back to the counter to retrieve him a fork and napkins. She came back to the table and tucked the napkin into his dress shirt, quickly running her hand over his buff chest.

"There." she said walking away to grab her coffee on the counter and listening to the news.

He smirked and began tearing into his delicious food.

"Did you hear about that massive fire in Baldwin yesterday??"

Kalvin took a quick sip of his coffee before answering. "Oh yeah. It took them 2 hours to put it out right?"

"Yeeeaaah. Luckily no one was injured while it happen."

"What'd they say about how it started?"

"Mm. I don't know." Mel took a sip of her coffee looking over at him.

A loud ring came from the house phone as Melanie quickly ran in her heels to answer it.

"Hello??? ..... What?! ...... Are you serious? ...... Ugh! I called Nancy the other day to see if she put his file back on the desk. ...... Seriously? ......" Melanie walked around the kitchen, gathering her things for work.

10 minutes later, Kalvin was on his way out the door to work. He wiped his mouth, and walked over to his wife.

"No no, it's fine. Yeah...." she continued on the phone.

"Alright, babe. I'm out." he bent down to peck her lips twice and proceeded to grab his suitcase and car keys.

"Okay, call me later. Love you." she said as she held the phone briefly against her shoulder.

"Love you too."

Minutes later Melanie hung up the phone and headed out of the door and on her way to work.

Typical busy morning for Melanie Sinclair. One of the most busiest women in the industry, handling things diligently one situation at a time. Top successful bosses in all of California and never settles for less.

"Good Morning, Mrs. Sinclair."

"Good morning, Mr. Flores. How's the report coming along?"

"Oh just great! Can't wait for you to see it."

"Nice! I know you're gonna blow us away!" Melanie cheered as she passed by his desk in the office.

It seems that for once, everyone was in a good mood which enlightened Melanie to be nicer to her workers today. Usually.......she. was. a. BITCH.

With Melanie, EVERYTHING had to be perfect. So perfect, that it just HAD to match her "perfect persona" as she may call it. Secretly, no one liked her. They hated to even work for her, but since her business was doing extremely well, they couldn't complain.

She knew what she was doing, and she did it quite well. No one could tell her different because the success showed off in her bank.

Mel strutted all the way to her private office at the end of the hall and was met by her assistant, Mitchell.

"Good morning, boss!" he said handing her another cup of fresh mocha coffee.

"How you doing, Mitch. Thank you." she took her cup and made her way to her desk to sit down.

"I've made copies of the documents and if you'd like to take a look over them, that'd be great." he eagerly said, handing over a envelope full of the documents.

Melanie took a sip of her coffee and began carefully looking over the papers. It took her a minute before she gave him response.


".......I love it!"

He rejoiced and disappeared out of the office for a couple of minutes.

Meanwhile, Melanie was signing a few things off and calling in employees to have a meeting within the hour.

"Hey there Kalv!"

"Hey! How ya doing." Kalvin spoke to a worker passing by.

Mr. Kalvin Sinclair, fairly known around the courthouse as simply Kalv. One of THE top lawyers of California, that everyone loved. He fought cases for any and everything you could ever imagine and has won every single one of them. You would think something like that would be very impossible for your average lawyer but Mr. Sinclair here has done it all.

He was a former lawyer of some of the biggest stars in Hollywood. From Singers to Actors to Sport players, you name it! Such a genuine but serious gentlemen to get familiar with.

Kalvin went running on a tight schedule for a trial today and had to hurry his way there. Therefore, the trial would last for most of the day.

The court awaited to begin the trial as he made his way into the double doors. He went on to set up his briefcase and pull out documents to hand to the judge.

"Good morning, your honor."

"Morning, Mr. Sinclair. Thank you." The judge looked over the documents as Kalvin proceeded back to his seat next to his client.

Finally, the trial had begun.

The day was nearing to an end very soon and Melanie was now very tired. Her long day at work persisted of speaking with workers, signing papers and endless phone calls. She closed down her office and said her goodbyes to everyone before climbing into her car and to stop by her best friend's job.

Melanie drove to the UCLA Hospital and entered the double doors just in time for her friend, Alicia's shift to end.

"Hey sis! How are you?" Melanie pulled her into a tight hug, before stepping back to see her surprised face.

"Mel! I'm good, mama. You're just getting off?"

"Yepppp. About to head home to start dinner before Kalv gets home. Where's D at?" She glanced around the waiting room, searching for him.

Alicia went over to her desk to fix her area up before clocking out. She smirked and nodded her head for Mel to look behind her.

"Boy! You almost scared me. Hiiiii." Mel gasped giving Dmetri a big hug as he laughed.

"How you doing, Mel?" he said giving her a smile.

"So what you cooking for tonight?"

"Ugh. I might just do pasta and salad tonight. Nothing too big. I'm tired as HELL!"

"Sounds good. He's still in trial?"

"Yeah. I guess he'll be done in the next hour or so."

"Well I guess we'll be heading home too. What are our plans for the week?"

"Well I don't know about you ladies but us MEN are watching the game Sunday so...."

Melanie and Alicia dead-faced each other before giggling at Dmetri's rudeness.

"Whatever! What's Saturday looking like?" Alicia asked looking over at Mel.

"Ugh. Hopefully Kalv goes to visit his mother in the nursing homes, Friday. So he doesn't have to worry much about canceling Saturday. We can go out to eaaaaat?"

"You wanna do that babe?" Alicia looked over to Dmetri who was now leaning onto the front desk counter.

He shrugged and scratched at his beard. "Sure."

"Okay. I'll let him know," Mel said just as her phone buzzed. "Oh. That's him right now guys. I gotta go." She hugged Alicia then hugged Dmetri and quickly made her way to her car.

"Bye, Mel. Talk to you later!"

When she climbed into her car, she called her husband.


"Hey babe. You out?" She held the phone in between her ear and shoulder while starting up the car.

"Yeah uh. On my way home now."

"Awww. Okay. I just left the hospital to see what D & Leesh was up to. They want to do a double date Saturday."

"Aha. Well I guess I'll see you when I get home."

"Alright. Love you."

"Love you too."

Kalvin had made it home before Melanie so he went up to their master bedroom and begin disrobing from his work clothes.

While he was running a hot shower, Melanie walked in the house with her purse and shoes in her hands. She heard the shower running upstairs which meant she had a little time to start dinner before her husband was done.

She went straight to the kitchen and pulled out raw chicken breast, parsley, seasonings, pasta and pasta sauce. Melanie lined all her ingredients upon the counter and begin cooking.

As Kalvin was just getting out the shower, he heard Mel was home and cooking already. He smiled to himself then quickly remembered his white muscle shirt was in the dryer in their washroom downstairs. Melanie caught Kalvin jogging dowstairs in just a towel wrapped around his waist. Water glistened over his toned abs, making her stare at them a little longer.

"Why are you coming down here trying to make me burn our food?" She pouted, turning back around to stir the pasta in a pot. He smirked and pushed himself against her small frame, digging his face into the side of her neck smelling her sweet vanilla scent. A giggle came from her voice as she turned her face just enough to kiss his lips.

"Mmmm. What else are you making?"

"Uh. Move away, NOSY. Let mama finish her magic before she feeds her Big Papa." Mel teased as she closed the lid back on the pasta and let it cook some more.

"Go put some clothes on, you pervert!" She hit his chest as he laughed and disappeared into the washroom.

The home phone rung before Mel walked over to answer it. It was her cousin Brittany.


"Heeeeeey girrrrrl!"

"Heyyyy Britt-Britt! How are youuuu?"

"Ugh. Okay, I guess."

"Uh Oh...What done happened now?"

She sighed dramatically before speaking up. "Girl, Mama is gettin on my LAST! Bothering me and what not. Anyway, what are you up to?"

"Just some chicken breast and pasta. Where's Colton?"

"Shaving right now." Brittany glanced back at him looking through the mirror.

"Tell him I said hiiiii."

Britt chuckled and turned around to repeat what Melanie said, to him. "Mel says hi, babe."

Colton turned around from the mirror and grinned. "Tell her I said hello," he said in his deep New Orleans accent.

"He said hello."

"When are you guys coming up here? I miss you're faaaace." Melanie pouted into the phone.

"Soon enooough. You never know I might just pop up on ya ass!" She said in her bird voice. Melanie laughed at her ratchetness, moving back over to the stove to check on the chicken in the oven. "Girl, you are a MESS." she chuckled.

"Ooo! Guess what I got today???"

Melanie's smile quickly faded into a dead face. She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, now leaning against the counter. "What now?"

"This cute ass Balmain dress that was on sale! Omg. I just HAD to get it, it has like these cute little gold buttons and shit. Just absolutely GORGEOUS."


"Whaaaaat? I said it" Brittany slowly hung her head feeling a bit embarrassed about her shopping obsession.

"When you gon get your ass up and GET A JOB?" Melanie emphasized on 'job' so Brittany could hear her clear. Brittany rolled her eyes, crawling to her side of the bed and throwing the covers over her legs. "I TOLDDD you about depending on Colton. He is not your living crutch and can't BUY you everything. Tables might just turn."

"Yeah yeah yeah. Yadda yadda yadda. Whatever. Ion be asking him for a lot. He loves me. Stop hatin'."

"Alright! You know I tell yo ass all the time. Don't go crying to me when I say-"

"-'I told you so' blah blah blah. Ugh. You get on my nerves with that preaching shit." She snagged.

"SOMEBODY gotta be ya mama sometimes. Cuz you know Laura don't give a fuck."

"Yeah well, it's mad late here. I'll call you tomorrow." Brittany looked over at Colton who was coming out the restroom and over to the bed.

"Alright, talk to you soon. Love you." Mel took the lid off and stirred the pasta one last time before turning the stove off.

"Love you too. Bye."

Kalvin came back down the stairs as Mel prepared their food on plates to the dining table.

"Smells great in here." He smiled and took a seat at the table.

Melanie smiled and continued to neatly fix their plates and pour glasses of wine for the both of them. She proceeded to the table and sat his food in front of him, placing a soft kiss on his smooth bald head. When she took a seat across from him, they prayed.

"Heavenly Father, we come to you tonight to just say thank you for this day and for the food we are about to receive. And let us rest peacefully tonight. In the name of Jesus, we pray, Amen."


They began chowing down into their food and also a conversation.

"Wow! This is GREAT, babe." Kalv cheered with a mouth full of food in his jaw. He dabbed his mouth and continued to eat. Mel looked over at him with a grin and took a sip of her wine.

"You like it?"

"LOVE it." He said in between chewing.

"Great. How was work? Anything new?"

"Ahh. Same ol, same ol. Last trial. Won the case. Everyone's happy." He smiled before sipping on his wine.

"You did it again! So proud of you, baby. At least yours wasn't as hectic as my day! So much clients, workers and documents in my face all day. Ugh. But work is work and it can't do itself." She sighed sliding her suit coat off and onto the back of the chair, now leaning back to relax. Kalv raised up and walked to her side, to stand behind her and massage her neck and shoulders.

She sighed in relief.

"Now you need to calm down and take a chill pill. You need a day off, seriously."

"Now babe, you know I can't take a day off with all of these crazy people running around my business. Ohhh if I EVER. That'd be the day all hell breaks loose!" Mel exaggerated while throwing her head back onto the back of the chair as Kalv continued massaging her neck.

"Find someone for replacement-"

"NO." She shut her eyes and pouted.

"C'monnnn, Mel! Just ONE-"


"One day? For me? Pleaseeee?" Kalv was bent down to his knees to meet her face and begged in her lap. She placed both of her hands on each sides of his face and smiled.

"Kalvin, I don't's too risky. I'm just worried one wrong move can happen. I..."

"Please, baby?" Kalv made the puppy dog face to her which was a turn on. He looked so adorable yet so sexy. Mel laughed, slowly bringing his face in to kiss his lips. She kept her lips there for a minute then looked into his sultry eyes, pulling away. They were full of love which made her deeply kiss him this time. She parted her lips to part his also and slid her tongue in. He lifted his hands to caress her cheeks as he deepened the kiss.

Mel moaned against his lips as she felt a tingly feeling rush through her body. She pulled away from him, staring into his eyes and breathing irregular. They didn't say a word as Kalvin stood to swoop her into his strong arms. She kissed his ear and relaxed her head unto his shoulder, placing soft kisses on his neck.

Once they made it upstairs, Kalv sat Mel down and helped her strip her clothes away.

"Babe, I need to showerrrrr. I stink." Mel whined as she watched him peel off her skirt and squeeze her creamy thighs.

"Stop. Lemme handle you. Just relax." Kalv said in his sultry tone, gazing into her dimmed eyes. He went in to kiss her, as she let him finish stripping her down. Soft moans slipped her lips as Kalv showered wet kisses all over her body.

Some nights she would pass up moments like this. Only because her job made her that way. Being so frustrated and uptight about how everything that went wrong at her job would stress her out. So much she would be in no mood for intimate time with Kalvin. He knew she was serious about her job but it effected his sex relationship with his wife. For once, all he wanted with her was their love-making nights in unison. Wanting to make his wife feel special, making her feel as if he gave her that same type of pleasure he did when they first met, without a complaint about a project being wrong or the wrong type of cream being mixed in her coffee. Some just wasn't enough for Mel, with this new stubborn attitude that corrupted months ago from who knows where. On some occasions, her ego would get in the way of her job so much, it would almost slip out at home too. Kalvin noticed how she would talk to him differently and how aggressive she became. Luckily, she had yet to put up any arguments against him in the past.

He laid above her under the sheets and looked into her eyes, he bent down to kiss around her chest before pecking at her lips.

"Promise you'll take some time off of work for us? I feel like I barely get to see my wife now with these crazy schedules. We need times like these alone more often. You'll do that for me? Please?"

Melanie smiled and laughed a little and re-tightened their fingers intertwined together as she licked her lips.

"Fine. Anything for you, papa." She giggled.

"Nawww naww naw, I wanna hear you SAY it. Say 'I promise'."

Mel smacked her lips and rolled her eyes before giggling again.

"Fine! I. PROMISE. There. Happy now?"

"Nope. Not until I get me some more!" Kalvin threw himself under the covers and kissed her sweet spots as he heard her still laughing. He came back up to her face and smiled.

"I love you." she said.

"I love you more."